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Among our activities, we are also dedicated to meteorology,R & D & I development, environment and training.
Barlovento carries out meteorological measurement campaigns for wind, photovoltaic and solar thermoelectric applications, as well as works in other fields: environmental assessments of conventional power plants, agro-meteorology, R&D&i projects, etc.
We carry out measurement campaigns according to the customer’s requirements, from equipment supply to measurements services:
- Tower and equipment supply.
- Acquisition data system supply.
- Meteorological mast installation.
- Campaigns through remote measurement systems (SODAR or LIDAR).
- Sonic anemometers.
- Specialized environmental instrumentation.
- Measurement campaign fully managed.
- Data treatment and reports.
- Software and applications development.
We carry out environmental related activities, such as:
- Environmental measurements in thermal and nuclear power plants.
- Assessment of emissions in thermal and nuclear power plants.
- Assessment of environmental comfort in urban settings.
- Design and installation of agro-meteorological stations’ networks.
- Environmental impact assessment of renewable energy installations.
- Bird surveillance in wind projects (Dtbird).
We carry out our own R&D&i projects and some others in collaboration with other companies or institutions, as well as for customers, in meteorological, environmental and renewable energies areas. Our R&D&i Management system for reaserch, development and innovation activities in wind and solar renewable energies.
Furthermore, Barlovento designs experimental facilities at the request of the Customer, for reaserch projects, such us:
- Fire Laboratory. Construction of a laboratory for experimentation on forest fires, for the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
- Climate change. Construction of installations for the measurements of CO2 flow in the Mediterranean forests.
Barlovento takes part in training activities, through the organization and delivery of customized training courses, at the customer’s or at Barlovento’s facilities. Available courses:
- Wind energy,
- Wind resources,
- Solar resources,
- Solar PV energy,
- Warranties and Guarantees,
- Normative.
The contents and duration of the courses are adapted to customer needs.
Barlovento also collaborates with other companies or entities for the delivery of courses.